Dr. Celeste Conn does house calls throughout Kent County, Maryland.
Dr. Celeste Conn does house calls throughout Kent County, Maryland.
Dr. Conn is a 1984 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. She follows in her father's footsteps by doing both house calls for dogs and cats, and shelter work at the local Humane Society and county shelters. Veterinary house calls allow her to spend the time to know each pet and their owners without the pets being stressed by the other animals, sounds, and smells in veterinary hospitals.
Dr. Conn regularly does spay / neuter clinics in Kent, Caroline, and Dorchester counties on Maryland's Eastern Shore. She has also volunteered for spay / neuter clinics in Jamaica.
Originally from Philadelphia, Dr. Conn moved to Kent County in 1994, drawn by its rural lifestyle and proximity to the Chesapeake Bay. She loves rowing, gardening, bicycling, sailing, hiking, and other outdoor activities.
She lives on Still Pond Creek with her cats and Golden Retriever.
Celeste Conn, VMD
1 410-708-2608
[email protected]
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