Viral testing Felv/FIV tests (for cats) Heartworm tests Tck titers Fecal parasite checks
Dr. Conn writes a monthly column about pet care for the Kent County News. [hr type="line" ] [recent_posts before="" image="true" headline="true" text="200" readmore="true" after="" number="9" column="3"]
Occasionally, when clients come into the veterinarian’s office, they often just want a quick vaccine. They might need to board a dog, so they require a Bordatella-kennel cough (not portabella!) vaccine. Or perhaps the Animal Control Officer has nabbed their pooch on the lam and now demands proof of a valid Rabies vaccination. Even non-felonious pet owners occasionally want the quick needle [...]
Celeste Conn, VMD
1 410-708-2608
[email protected]
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