• I’ve been fielding lots of questions lately regarding senior pet care. Clients have concerns that their elder pets are comfortable, that their pet’s health is as optimal as possible given his or her life stage and that as owners, they are doing all they can to maximize a cat or dog’s longevity. So I thought I’d share some insights about a subject dear to my heart. My dad [...]

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    One of the surest ways to know that Spring is here is that ticks are back.  Although ticks can feed year round, they ramp up their blood lust in April and May.  Because of their increasing activity, I thought you’d like to know some biology which dictates their behavior.  Ticks are interesting creatures.  Ticks’ life cycles are long and complex.   Take the[...]

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    I’ve been doing lots of shelter work lately. Caring for cats and dogs who have been relinquished to shelters poses unique challenges and rewards. Because this is often a forgotten or neglected group of animals, their problems can be myriad. Many are old, some have chronic illnesses, most are malnourished and they all are susceptible to disease. Parvoviral enteritis is one challenge that can [...]

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    Preventative Health Care

    Occasionally, when clients come into the veterinarian’s office, they often just want a quick vaccine. They might need to board a dog, so they require a Bordatella-kennel cough (not portabella!) vaccine. Or perhaps the Animal Control Officer has nabbed their pooch on the lam and now demands proof of a valid Rabies vaccination. Even non-felonious pet owners occasionally want the quick needle [...]

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    It’s a strange time of year to be talking about skin cancer, but… I noticed a funny spot on my cat’s eye the other day. Chewy had some weeping from that eye of late, but the fields were being cut, the leaves were falling- generating mold, the windows were closed, stifling the air. I convinced myself that allergies were the reason for the discharge. Besides, it was a clear [...]

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    Just hearing the forecast of more snow makes my joints ache! I have been trudging through narrow corridors of self compressed snow up and down my lane to my nearly abandoned car. I have been shoveling for what seems like weeks. Gone are the days when my yellow lab Bosun and I could walk effortlessly to the mailbox. With the snow’s depth over my knees and virtually over his head, Bosun is [...]

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    A few weeks ago, I fielded a call from a good client in Rock Hall. She said her elderly dog was acting oddly and wasn’t sure what the problem was. Her dog panted and paced through the house all day, seemingly unable to settle and be comfortable. My client was unsure if her dog was in pain, was anxious or if something else was going wrong. I was pretty sure I knew what was happening-senile [...]

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    This is the time of year when new puppies or kittens appear as Christmas gifts. Pet stores are stocked with adorable animals to bring home to eager children. Sometimes the new addition is well planned and researched. Other times, the acquisition is a spur of the moment purchase. In an effort to be sure a new pet is right for your family, consider what breed, age or sex of the pet is appropriate. [...]

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